How to use Exe Lock
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Gilisoft EXE Lock User Guide

How to install GiliSoft Exe Lock?

Firstly, please download GiliSoft Exe Lock from here:

1. If this is your first time to install onto your PC:

Double click the setup file.
Then next to finish the installation.

2. If you have already registered and want to upgrade to the latest version.

Uninstall the old version.
Double click the new setup file.
Set the Password and the E-Mail (this E-Mail is used to receive password when forgot).
Then next to finish the installation.

How to uninstall GiliSoft Exe Lock?

1. If you have not yet registered.

Click "Uninstall GiliSoft Exe Lock *.* ".
Enter the password of Gili Exe Lock.
Then next to finish the uninstallation.

2. If you have already registered.

Click "Uninstall GiliSoft Exe Lock *.* ".
Then next to finish the uninstallation.

How to lock an executable file?

Method 1: In order to lock a program, you can drag an executable file, or shortcut from Desktop, Start Menu or folder to the main window.

Method 2: Right click the executable file or shortcut, "Lock with GiliSoft Exe Lock".

How to change the password of GiliSoft Exe Lock?

If you have not yet registered this software, you can not change the defult password "test". If you have already registered, please do as the following steps:

Click Help->"Setting".
Enter new password and click change button.

How to run GiliSoft Exe Lock with command line arguments?

If the password of GiliSoft Exe Lock is "mypass", and the program you want to lock is "c:\test.exe". and Running "c:\test.exe" needs parameters, for example: "c:\test.exe -ab" .

How to lock the program with command line parameter?
ExeLock.exe /lock "c:\test.exe" /cmd "-ab" /pw "mypass"
How to unlock the locked program with command line parameter?
ExeLock.exe /unLock "c:\test.exe" /pw "mypass"
How to run the locked program with command line parameter?
ExeLock.exe /run "c:\test.exe" /cmd "-ab" /pw "mypass"

If the password of GiliSoft Exe Lock is "mypass", and the program you want to lock is "c:\test.exe".

How to lock the program with command line parameter?
ExeLock.exe /lock "c:\test.exe" /pw "mypass"
How to unlock the locked program with command line parameter?
ExeLock.exe /unLock "c:\test.exe" /pw "mypass"
How to run the locked program with command line parameter?
ExeLock.exe /run "c:\test.exe" /pw "mypass"

Gilisoft EXE Lock

Prevent EXE from Unknown Running

GiliSoft Exe Lock supports to lock any executable programs
$19.95  $29.95

Media Review

"The program now has the capability to password protect and restrict any application like Windows Live Messenger, Skype, etc. installed on your computer, from running, in seconds...."-
"There may be reasons where you may want to restrict use of certain application. All you need here is GiliSoft Exe Lock, a way where you can password protect any application..."-